The app is laggy, the content is below expectations and not helpful for anyone aiming to pass JLPT N3. The description is false as well, it states this app is "required" to pass the exam, which is plainly not true.
Pls make an application also for N2 Kanji also
Full version not available
game section is a bit depressing coz of the time running out. but i like the practice section. thanks anyway. it's helpful for my n3 kanji memorizing.
useless app. I found a mistake. Don't use this, as it's a waste of time. you can't improve hour kanji by using this. クイズの選択肢が不適切。正解以外の選択肢が読み方も文字数も全く違うから、当てずっぽうでも正解し易い。例えば漢字ー>読みの問題で、「関する;かんする 、まんしゃ、 ほうこう、」とあれば、送りがなで答えがわかる。これでは勉強にならない。実際の試験は 「演説;えんせつ、えんぜい、えんぜつ、かいせつ」とか、 「がっこう;学校、字校、学效、学講」のような、引っ掛け問題が多い。 このN3 Kanji Quizは、そのような実際の出題傾向に合致していないし、試験勉強として役に立たない。 追記:「受取人 うけとりひと」は間違い
can't use
Doesn't work properly. Don't use it
Most intrusive and obnoxious ads i have seen on any app. Unusable.
Nice applications Kampai
Worthless without English translations.